All in-clinic companion pet, on-farm and after-hours services are available.
As an essential service provider to local and farm communities, we need to maintain vigilance to ensure we remain open for you.
In Orange Traffic Light Status - General Requirements
All clinic visitors must:
• mask up*
On-farm Requirements
• As services are delivered outside or in well-ventilated areas face masks are optional on the farm. Please follow safety guidelines if you feel there is any risk of infection to help keep our team well – wear a mask.
* If you have a mask exemption, all orders must be phoned ahead with contactless payment and pickup. If you are dropping off or picking up an animal please call us when you are in the carpark to arrange for one of the team to come to you.
We are managing our Red Traffic Light Status according to Government Worksafe and Ministry of Health regulations along with guidelines from the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA), New Zealand Veterinary Council (NZVC) and Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA).